Brown or reddish brown sponges, with colonies rarely greater than 30 cm across. Exhalent pores are few, fairly large and conspicuous or raised on an otherwise featureless skin. Many have a flowing or dripping shape, though all are cushion-shaped, soft, and commonly known as ’chicken liver’ sponges:
There are several species:
P. angulospiculatus: dark brown to grey, small oscules and small spicules.
P. halichondroides: black, exuding a dark ink, large oscules.
P. sp, as P. halichondroides but wigher brown and without the dark ink.
P. ziggompha, green, small oscules and small spicules.
(P. simplex is a commonly used name but is a synonym.)
There are several species:
P. angulospiculatus: dark brown to grey, small oscules and small spicules.
P. halichondroides: black, exuding a dark ink, large oscules.
P. sp, as P. halichondroides but wigher brown and without the dark ink.
P. ziggompha, green, small oscules and small spicules.
(P. simplex is a commonly used name but is a synonym.)